San Diego
Science Educators
SDSEA Awards Banquet 2012
Bahia Hotel

Excellence in Elementary Science Education 2012

Lynn Howard - Encanto Elementary, SD City Schools, science lab teacher grades 3-5, and member of the CA County Superintendents of Ed Services Assoc (CCSESA) Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee (CISC) for Science

Excellence in Middle School Science Education 2012
Su Scott - Rincon Middle School, Escondido Union School District , science lab teacher, leader of student exploration trips abroad, and iQuest science/technology project participant @ Cal State San Marcos

Excellence In High School Science Education 2012

Maureen Rymer - Sweetwater High School, Chula Vista, Physics and Chemistry teacher. Chose Science Fair Teacher of the Year by the Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair

Excellence In College/University Science Education 2012

Kathy Tyner - Southwestern College, Vice President of Academic Affairs. For more than a decade she has been an organizer of the annual "Smart Conference" involving high school teachers with the college

Excellence In Community/Informal Science Education 2012

Joan Kimbrough - "Show Me Geology" Program, a partnership of SDSU Geology Department and the SDSU School of Teacher Education to provide classroom visits centered on geologic topics

SDSEA Science Fair Student Award
for best science done using simple materials 

Max Audick - Marshall Middle School, for his project titled "Hexagons, Shape of the Future"
Teacher/Advisor -  Kaitlin Roshchan

Sierra Stein -  Bonita Vista Middle School, for her project titled "Tsunami Slicer"                                                               (no photo available)
Teacher/Advisor - Brian Dougherty

Contact us: SDSEA President Chuck Abel; Webmaster Chuck Abel
© 2010 San Diego Science Educators Association
SDSEA is an associated group of the National Science Teachers Association and an affiliate of the California Science Teachers Association.
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