San Diego
Science Educators

2013 Excellence in Science Education Award Winners

Honored at the SDSEA Annual Banquet

June 5, 2013 at the Bahia Resort Hotel on Mission Bay, SDSEA held its annual awards banquet to honor excellence across the spectrum of science education. Congratulations to this years winners:

High School
Dena Rosenberger, El Capitan High School - Dena has already received multiple awards for her teaching, research, scientific publications, and service to students and colleagues. SDSEA recognizes her active professionalism sharing research expedition experiences with students and other science teachers.

Middle School
Deborah DeLucia- 8th grade science @ Escondido Christian School - Deborah is highly active in leadership roles at her school, and runs a challenging classroom infused with technology tools. In addition she has multiple presentations to her credit through the iQuest project.
Deborah being introduced by her Principal Pat Haag.

Elementary School

Sharon Fargason, Mary Lanyon Fay Elementary School - Sharon engages inner-city students daily in her classroom as a National Board Certified Teacher. She's also participated in the CRMSE Learning Progressions for Scientific Inquiry project at SDSU, serves as an adjunct professor, and is soon to be a published author on inquiry based science teaching in diverse classrooms.

Ivan Rosero and Robert Lecusay, UCSD Doctoral candidates - we honor their work in creating an urban agriculture program, using aquaponics, for Kearney High School students in conjunction with Jennifer Ogo, the AP Environmental Science teacher. Check this link, then click on the "KHS Aquaponics" video to see their work.
Jennifer Ogo introducing Ivan Rosero and Robert Lecusay.
Cristina Park, EA - While not specifically a science educator, Cris has been the dedicated accountant and tax consultant to SDSEA for over 10 years. Her service has been outstanding, and we honor her part in keeping SDSEA financially alive and well.
Steve Rodecker, SDSEA Board member, introducing Cris Park.

Lifetime Achievement Award

Park Trefts Ph.D., UCSD - Dr. Trefts has worked for over a decade to provide science research and mentoring programs at UCSD for high school students from under-represented populations.
Steve Rodecker, SDSEA Board member, congratulating Dr. Park Trefts.

Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair
Student Winners
 of the SDSEA Award for
 "Best Science Done
Using Simple Materials"

Isaac Izaguirre - Sweetwater High School, grade 11, for his project titled "Which Buildings Wiggle More During Earthquakes?", Teacher/Advisor Ms. Maureen Rymer

Christian Blanco
- Muir Middle School, grade 8, for his project titled " Prop it up! Static Thrust of Small Aircraft Propellers", Teacher/Advisor Mr. Vincent Stevens

Christian Blanco (center) as Steve Rodecker, SDSEA Board member, congratulates Mr. Stevens.

Geneva Pfeifer
- Nazareth School, grade 7, for her project titled "Does Feeding Chickens Egg Shells Make Their Eggs Stronger?", Teacher/Advisor Ms. Marilyn Reed
Contact us: SDSEA President Chuck Abel; Webmaster Chuck Abel
© 2010 San Diego Science Educators Association
SDSEA is an associated group of the National Science Teachers Association and an affiliate of the California Science Teachers Association.
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