San Diego
Science Educators
The Current SDSEA Board of Directors

President        Chuck Abel
Vice President       Barton Hays
Secretary        Jelen Rodecker
Treasurer        Barbara Ritchie

The San Diego Science Educators Association
is governed by an elected Board consisting of:
Vice President

In addition there are appointed positions, as needed, for:
Informal Science
Higher Education
Grade Level Representatives
Conference Chair
Communications and Information Dissemination   Martin Teachworth
Web Master

Elected officers serve two year terms, beginning at the June SDSEA Awards Banquet meeting each year. Any SDSEA member can nominated another member for a Governing Board position.

Nominations and Elections:
If you want to nominate someone for an office, click on the "Member-only" link to the left (that link will be visible only if you are a member in good standing and signed-in to the web site), then chose "Nominations and Elections" to get a nomination form. Download, complete, and submit the form via e-mail before May 12, 2013.  SDSEA members vote for officers electronically each May. New officers begin their service in June.
Contact us: SDSEA President Chuck Abel; Webmaster Chuck Abel
© 2010 San Diego Science Educators Association
SDSEA is an associated group of the National Science Teachers Association and an affiliate of the California Science Teachers Association.
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