"2015 - Science Trek - The Next Generation"
The 2015 conference is set for Saturday, February 28, 2015. Over 500 educators attended last year's conference. Next Generation Science Standards have been adopted by the California Department of Education. Educators at all levels want to know the impact this will have. STEM lessons that address Common Core standards and Next Generation Science Standards will be featured. Model lessons will be available to begin meeting the new science standards, the use of technology tools across the curriculum, and useful classroom ideas are expected to again draw over 500 educators (classroom teachers, informal educators, site and district administrators). This highly motivated, group of educators, ready to move ahead, need to learn about your company's products, services, and resources! Commercial presentations are available, as well as exhibit space in a new large centrally located area. Two and a half hours of time in the event program are dedicated to visiting exhibitors. Application To Exhibit
You will have two payment options upon completing your exhibit space application:
2. Mail a check to 2015- Science Trek - The Next Generation Conference Questions or comments? Call toll free to leave a message or send a fax 888-835-0790 |