Primary Presenter (complimentary registration for this person ONLY)
*First Name
*Last Name
*District or Organization
*Street Address
*City *State
Home Phone
*Work Phone
Subject(s) taught
K-6 Science Earth Science
Life Science Chemistry
Physics Physical Science
Environmental Science Informal Science Education
Integrated Science General Science
Teacher Education Science Specialist
Science Administrator Other
Grade Level(s)
PS 3 7 11
K 4 8 12
1 5 9 13+
2 6 10 Stu. Tchr.
Lunch option Turkey
Roast Beef
No lunch required
SDSEA will be providing a complimentary lunch with each presenter registration. Please make your sandwich selection here.
SDSEA Member ID If you are a member of SDSEA, please enter your member ID here. Membership is not required to present at the conference. If you would like to become a member, you can sign up here.
Co-presenter(s) (must register and pay fee for conference)
First Name First Name
Last Name Last Name
Title/Occupation Title/Occupation
Session Information
*Presentation Title (50 char max)
*Presentation Description (150 char max)
Is this a commercial presentation? Yes
Presentation length One hour
Two hour
*Subject Area *Intended Audience
Type of room Hands-on
Completely darkened
Internet connection required? Yes
AV/Technical needs TV/VCR
Tech Hands-on
Tech demonstration
Video projector
All rooms are equipped with an overhead and screen. Tech rooms will be connected to the internet. Tech demonstration rooms will be equipped with an instructor's Mac computer and video projector. Hands-on tech rooms will have the above plus 20 networked computers for the participants. Sorry, no PC/Windows machines are available, unless you bring your own.
I have read and agree to comply with the guidelines described in the Minimum Safety Guidelines for NSTA Presenters and Workshop Leaders during my presentation.