BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:WILD_APRICOT_EVENT_1763455 DTSTART:20140920T144500Z DTEND:20150219T073000Z SUMMARY:"2015 Science Trek: The Next Generation" Conference Exhibitor Application LOCATION:Grossmont College\, 8800 Grossmont College Drive\, El Cajon\, CA 92020 DESCRIPTION:\n\nSan Diego Science Educators Association\, its co-sponsors\, San Diego Unified School District\, San Diego County Office of Education\, the San Diego Science Alliance\, and Grossmont College\, are again presenting a professional development conference that address the changes coming to K-12 science education in California. Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) have been adopted. Parts of Common Core focused on science are in effect. STEM concepts are in use. As an exhibitor\, your target audience of approximately 500 (520 attended in 2014) informed\, active science educators will be on hand seeking ways to meet the challenges these new standards bring. Be there to present your materials\, equipment\, and learning resources.\n DTSTAMP:20150128T051051Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR