San Diego
Science Educators

Classroom Supplies and Donorschoose

  • September 07, 2009 4:12 PM
    Message # 216663
    Deleted user allows a teacher to supplement the funding received for classroom supplies. Go to, enroll and submit a proposal. The first three times you apply, there is a limit of $400, then $800 then I believe there is no reasonable limit.

    In these times teachers need to be proactive in obtaining supplies and equipment. If the funding from the state is relied upon, the amount of money for special or exciting supplements to the regular program will not be funded (let alone basic supplies it seems these days)
Contact us: SDSEA President Steve Rodecker; Webmasters Brendan Casey and Chuck Abel
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SDSEA is an associated group of the National Science Teachers Association and an affiliate of the California Science Teachers Association.
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