SDSEA - Vance Mills Educational Scholarships
Scholarship Program Goals
As part of its goal of promoting improvements, excellence, and professionalism in science education, SDSEA provides scholarships to members each year for professional development activities. The stated purpose of the program is, to provide financial aid to SDSEA member educators who show a need for funding to advance their professional growth directly related to science education.
Categories of Assistance
The program provides two main categories of assistance to SDSEA members, the General Grant category and the SDSEA Conference Attendance category:
1. General category funds will be granted based on how the activity will impact the improvement of science education in San Diego County. Educational travel, in and of itself, is not considered a valid professional growth activity for the purposes of this grant.
2. Conference Attendance category funds will be granted to cover registration costs for attending the annual SDSEA conference. Funding will be based on documented need for assistance and timely application, with preference given to new teachers (those who have been in the classroom 2 years or less).
Conditions of the Educational Scholarship Grants
As a condition for receiving either category of scholarship, you must agree to prepare a report, approximately two pages in length, about the professional growth activity that was undertaken, or what was gained from your conference attendance. This report should be in a form suitable for use in the SDSEA Newsletter. The report should be filed with the Scholarship Fund Committee Chairperson within 30 days of the completion of the activity (using the address shown below). Additionally, the recipient of general category funds will make an oral report at one of the SDSEA Board of Directors meetings (to be arranged through the Secretary) or a presentation at the local conference (at the discretion of the Conference Program Chair).
Application Procedures
SDSEA members may apply for no more than one SDSEA - Vance Mills Educational Scholarship grant per fiscal year. Application for General category grants in amounts up to $250 may be made at any time during the fiscal year, July 1 - June 30, and will be considered on a first come first served basis. Application for Conference category grants may be made during November, December or January immediately preceding the annual conference the member is seeking to attend. A sub-committee of the SDSEA Board of Directors will screen applications and recommend suitable SDSEA - Vance Mills Educational Scholarship grants to the SDSEA Board for funding. Once the Scholarship fund has been depleted for the year no further applications will be accepted.
Application Forms
To apply for either category of SDSEA - Vance Mills Educational Scholarship, click on the appropriate scholarship request form. Completed applications should be sent to: SDSEA - Vance Mills Educational Scholarship Fund, attention Chuck Abel, 189 Roanoke Road, El Cajon, CA. 92020.
General Category application in PDF form. | Conference Attendance application in PDF form. |
Past Scholarship Recipients
1997-1998 Scholarships 1998-1999 Scholarships
1999-2000 Scholarships