Application Procedures
SDSEA members may apply for no more than one SDSEA-Vance Mills Educational Scholarship grant per fiscal year. Application for General category grants in amounts up to $250 may be made at any time during the fiscal year, July 1-June 30, and will be considered on a first come first served basis. Application for Conference category grants may be made during November, December, or January immediately preceding the annual conference the member is seeking to attend. A sub-committee of the SDSEA Board of Directors will screen applications and recommend suitable SDSEA-Vance Mills Educational Scholarship grants to the SDSEA Board for funding. Once the scholarship fund has been depleted for the year, no further applications will be accepted.
To apply for either category of SDSEA-Vance Mills Educational Scholarship, click on the appropriate scholarship request form. Completed applications should be sent to:
SDSEA-Vance Mills Educational Scholarship Fund
ATTN: Chuck Abel
189 Roanoke Road, El Cajon, CA., 92020